My online time is limited. My wife has heavy computing needs because of her work, and my son, likewise, for his homework and other studies. I try to drop by the Bevin daily, just to check the log for who's been in and make sure the marble fireplace is still in order.
It's not just us. Bevin attendance generally seems to be down except on weekends. Crowds gather in Ae'gura at the top of the grand staircase, teams head for the Eders to do Door Runs, and there are more than occasional new names.
On, beyond zebra, what awaits us? Crashing the train in Er'cana? Climbing beyond the sinkhole, to where the broken tracks pick up on the other side? Getting to the other side of the wall in Gahreesen? Parties form for Crevice Drop, Ahnonay Spins, and rolling the Ball in Kadish Tolesa, to rouse Shroomie out of the depths in Teledahn, or play soccer in Minkata.
How far will the interpersonal contact carry us without new content? New people coming in often don't know the backstory, so the game has less meaning for them. Marker "games" mean that nobody going into Minkata has to do multi-part vector sums. What's happening reminds me of Pyst, the parody game.